
Islip - Home. Match Result

Website updated 03-Apr-2024

On Thursday 15th February, 2024, we played a match ‘at home’, against two teams from Islip.

The match was in doubt until as late as Wednesday afternoon, because Islip at that point were two players short, but having managed at their Wednesday roll-up to get a couple of people to step in, they were able to go ahead.

Perhaps because of these late additions, who may have been playing in a club match for the first time, neither of the Islip teams settled very well to their task, despite some great shots and valiant efforts from the two skips, and managed to win very few of the 16 ends played.

On mat 1, Saxons ‘A’ team started well, and scored steadily, with a massive 5 shots in the ninth end, giving them a 13 - 4 lead. The rest of the game continued in much the same way, so that the game finished with a 22 – 9 win for us.

Saxons ‘B’ team on mat 2 were also able to dominate their game, and a 6 shot win in only the third end set the scene for a strong performance where Islip were always trailing and won only 4 ends in total. A fairly comfortable win, then, for Saxons ‘B’, by 25 – 8

Saxon ‘A’ won by 22 - 9
Saxon ‘B’ won by 25 - 8

Saxons won overall then, 47 to 17

Team A : Linda Gill, Ann Cook, Kathy Marshall, Roger Gill

Team B : Anna Davies, Tony Sellick , Roger Bond, David Hill

Our location

Saxon Bowlers meet at the Saxon Hall in Raunds. The entrance to the hall is off Thorpe Street just past the council offices and there is plenty of free parking available including disabled spaces.

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